Your Programming and Traning Professionals

Oil & Gas Case Study

From drillers, transport, pipeline and oil services companies, we have built many applications that streamline this industries’ operations.

“Excellent systematized approach to an extremely complex set of algorithms.”
-Jim L., Interim Assistant Director: Energy, Entrepreneurship, and Community Development Programs

Application Type:

Oil Well Production Tracking Tool

A Company Snapshot:

Penn State Extension is an educational network that gives Pennsylvania residents across 67 counties access to the Penn State University’s resources and expertise. Funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and state and county governments, Penn State Extension shares unbiased, research-based information with local residents.

Their Needs:

The Penn State Extension team needed to enhance their current Oil Well Production tracking tool. They had a significant amount of data that was not housed in database, making it difficult to query data and generate reports each month. ESW was challenged with updating the existing tool to optimize performance and reduce manual processing and support.

The Solution:

ESW enhanced the tracking tool by creating relational database tables in a Microsoft Access database to store all of the production data, eliminating the need to have multiple spreadsheets of data. In addition to creating a comprehensive database, a robust reporting dashboard was developed with a master search control feature for parsing data with multiple filters and parameters.

Key Client Benefits:

The Penn State Extension team can use the enhanced functionality of their Oil Well Production tool to easily filter and sort data at a granular and high level for various educational purposes. Instead of manually entering production data, the team can simply import production files, which are then automatically stored in the database. A task that previously took hours, now only takes seconds. The time-saving automation features allow Penn State Extension to operate more efficiently and effectively while educating the local residents of Pennsylvania.


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