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Microsoft Excel Training Experts in New York City

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Microsoft Excel Training Experts in New York City

It might seem unnecessary for professionals to take an extended training lesson on Microsoft Excel. Some businesses don’t use it beyond the well-known features of mass mailing capabilities and organized lists. Many people incorrectly assume that unless you are and accountant there’s not much more of a practical reason to use Microsoft Excel—but there are several capabilities that you may not know about!

More to Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel has so many capabilities that businesses are underutilizing. has a team of programming and training professionals based in New York, who are highly trained with over a decade of experience building customized Excel solutions for businesses of all sizes. is in the business of making your operations work much more efficiently by using the software that you already have. Our programmers will make your Microsoft Excel software more powerful than ever!  We can customize your existing Excel software with formula-driven automation that will execute a series of tasks in just seconds.  Tasks that might normally take your team an entire day to complete, are reduced to under half the time. Can Help!

With the right program developer, your Microsoft Excel software has the potential to save your company thousands of dollars!

Our development team will conduct a thorough consultation session with you to understand how your business operates. We take the time to get to know exactly what your company’s priorities are and what is being done to address them in an efficient way. It’s our job to determine how we can make your current processes more efficient by creating a custom Excel spreadsheet.  Our custom coding can pull specific information from a robust database and filter that information in a presentable format with graphs, tables, and charts that are easily understandable  and user-friendly. Makes Your Company Leaner is about streamlining your current processes, by utilizing the vast capabilities of Microsoft Excel.  It is the number one tool we use to develop and improve processes, provide data analysis, financial modeling, and more.

In some cases, we will be able to automate a process so efficiently that you could reallocate a job resource and utilize that manpower in another aspect of your business. Listens to Your Needs

Your company has everything it needs to grow and succeed. The problem that many businesses run into is organizing all of their data in a way that is easily accessible and presentable. This is where’s professional programmers can help. While it is our job to provide you with a list of solutions to streamline your internal workflow, it is also our duty to listen to your needs so that we can build a solution that not only works well, but also makes sense to your team.

Our Excel solutions are built around the needs of your company, and through data mining, automation, custom dashboards, navigation, and data import connections, you’ll have a branded Excel application unlike any other in the market. Furthermore, programmers design their solutions so that they are scalable, meaning that the application will adapt as your company grows.

The Importance of Scalability

Scalability is crucial to the success of any company.  Utilizing Excel’s capabilities saves you money and time. You don’t new technology to implement a new system. Additionally, no recurring maintenance costs will be necessary in order to keep it all afloat. In most cases, we can improve your existing management system by implementing a customize Excel spreadsheet that is beautifully built to look like a web-based interface, providing a user-friendly application for you and your team. is based in New York, but we have the technological capabilities to provide remote service to companies anywhere in the world. Contact one of lead consultants for a free consultation at 800-682-0882.