IsMissing Function in Microsoft Excel
The IsMissing Excel Function is used to determine whether or not an optional value has been passed to a function call or not.
The Basics:
Function modules can be designed with Optional values set if no value(s) are passed to the module. For example, we can develop declare a function call to receive a text value, however if not text value is received a default value is assumed.
The declaration would look something like this
Function OurFunction(Optional ValueExpected As Variant)
Now, when this module is called we can use the IsMissing Function to determine if a value was passed or not. It is also important to know that the IsMissing Function is only useful to use with variant values.
On Error Resume Next If IsMissing(ValueExpected) Then ValueExpected = "No value was passed" End If MsgBox ValueExpected
'Declare variables Dim StringToProcess As String'Variable string to process Dim arrValues() As String'String Array Dim A, B As Long'Value to use as a counter Dim tmpValue As Variant Dim Check As Boolean StringToProcess = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).Value 'Assign the information to process to our variable arrValues() = Split(StringToProcess, " ") 'Parse the string into a string array using a space delimiter Counter = 5 For A = LBound(arrValues) To UBound(arrValues) Check = IsNumeric(arrValues(A)) If Check Then ActiveSheet.Cells(Counter, 1).Value = CDbl(arrValues(A)) Counter = Counter + 1 End If Next